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Close [X]The Microscopic Life in the Water, Part I set includes dinoflagellates, green flagellate with eyespot, marine rhizopods, Stylonychia, a common ciliate, Desmidiaceae, and Microcystis, irregular colonies, and much more.
The Microscopic Life in the Water, Part 2 set includes Arcella, Vorticella, Spongilla, Plumatella, Sphaerotilus natans, Gloeocapsa, Rivularia, blue green alga with basal heterocysts, Zygnema, and much more.
The Woods Consequences of Environmental Pollution set includes Healthy leaves and Pinus leaves damaged by acid rain, tar spot of maples, Early leaf fall, caused by thawing salt, Damaged lichen, Wood destroyed by fungus...
The Water Pollution, Problems and Results set includes, Escherichia coli from putrid water, Putrefactive bacteria, Sulphur bacteria, Anabaena in eutrophic water, Spirogyra in nutrient-rich water, Skin ulcer of an amphibian...
The Life in the Soil set covers Acidophile soil bacteria, Soil bacteria (Bacillus megaterium), smear, Hyphae of root fungi, and more.
The Air Pollution and Allergens set includes pollen grains, house dust, dust mites, wood powder, asbestos powder, polymide fibres, Human lung injured with dust particles, and more.
This set includes Adaptation to temperature, Adaptation to unusual modes of nutrition, Adaptation to water: Hydrophytic plants, Adaptation to damp habitats: Hygrophytic plants, Adaptation to dry habitats: Xerophytic plants...
The Microscopic Organisms of Freshwater set incldues Planktonic algae, Eudorina, Pediastrum, Microcystis, Vegetative filaments, Spirogyra, Zygnema, Mougeotia, Batrachospermum, Freshwater sponge...
Microscopic Organisms of Seawater set includes, Silicoflagellatae, Peridinium, marine dinoflagellates, Pluteus larvae of sea urchin, Caprella, a marine amphipode, Campanularia, and more.